Thursday, March 14, 2013


Three nights down... four tests done..


I have to retake the 77 until it's an 80 bleh..

not so bad for an ol' lady eh?

overheard from one of the "teachers" last night

"I was told I would be able to work on my homework at this job, I am going to have to let so and so know that it's not working out that way."


I thought you were supposed to be "teaching" the "students" that PAID to take this class??!!

no wonder the goof-offs that are weeks behind (remember the distracting talking kids from night one and two and three..and well.. you get it.) are still struggling to pass their skills and move on to clinicals.

One girl mentioned that she still has 11 modules (those are what we do each night) to do.. she should be done people! done. (we only have like 20 btw)

*shaking of the head

anyway.. I'm trucking along.. popping in my headphones and turning up the music.. it helps for some reason to concentrate more on my book and less on the people around me.

I have to take a CPR class soon.. I'm kinda excited for that.
you know, when my coworkers choke or fall down.. I can help them and not just make an ass out of myself.
or when random strangers need help in the CPRish way.. I can save the day!

I have learned to concentrate on what I am doing. Not my neighbor, one who is a couple mods behind me, and one who is like five ahead of me..sheesh. It helps.

Tonight is night four and we get Fridays off.. so three days to study and catch up.. wait.. I'm not behind. ha!
but I get to study terminology n stuffs. yay me

Have a great day!

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